Finance – Network – Knowledge
It is our goal to provide students with theoretical and practical insights into the financial industry.
For this purpose we are currently offering multiple digital talks, workshops and magazines in collaboration with our umbrella association BVH.
At the BVH academy you can pass your stock exchange license or attend courses to become a Certified Finance Student (CFS).
In addition, we offer exciting (digital) events, partly taking place with our co-operation partners in Banking, Asset Management and Consulting!
So you do not only get first-hand information, but you can prove your own skills and build your network e.g. at our investment-group of regulars or other social events. This can be just as helpful in finding a good internship or your first job as our AKB-Career Service.
Have we peaked your interest? For more info see our homepage https://akb-mainz.de/, Facebook or Instagram @akb_mainz.

Kategorie: Anderes
As student consultancy at the JGU, we offer you the possibility to prepare yourself for your working life professionally as well as personally.
We advise real companies, you gain experience and benefit from a large network and our internal and external trainings.
Of course, we do not fall short of club activities. In the context of various social events you can have a lot of fun and mingle with new and senior members right from the beginning.
Have we peaked your interest? Turn directly to David Rauen mentoren@berater-mainz.de, check out our homepage berater-mainz.de and our social media channels. Or register for our digital info event 20 April 2021 at 8 pm right away to get a first impression of us: https://berater-mainz.de/mitglied-werden/#anmeldung

Tags: consulting, consultancy, collegiate, work experience, economy, practice
Kategorie: Anderes
´Kitchen table – philosophers´, wordsmiths and questioners, watch out - we could have a match!
We meet every week to talk about exciting topics, to become better speakers and, last but not least, to have the debate after the debate over a beer. If you are in the mood for variegated topics, people and plurality of opinion, all without bar room cliché, then debating is the right thing for you!
Debate topics?
From serious to funny, e.g.: “Do we need a mandatory social gap year?”, “We, as the iceberg, regret having sunk the Titanic.” “Should Germany pay ransoms to terrorists in exchange for hostages?” “Should doctors be allowed to strike?” “Should organ trade be left to the free market?” or you just bring your own topic!
How does a debate proceed?
Very simple: A topic is picked. Two teams are formed. Pro & Con are drawn. Both teams get 15 minutes of preparation time. And then, let´s go! (Your team supports you when it is about details and subtleties)
Do I already have to participate the first time?
Nope. Everybody is welcome and you can first just be around as a spectator.
In the mood for debating now?
Just come around – digitally or (soon again) live on campus! Login details & Info at www.dcjg.de
Any questions?
If you need further information just text us: info@dcjg.de | @dcjg_mainz
We look forward to seeing you! 🙂

Tags: debating, debate club, debate, discuss, discussion, discourse, presentation, speaking, club, DCJG
Kategorie: Anderes
“The European Law Students’ Association” is the worldwide largest association of law students. Apart from visits to institutions and chambers we also offer fireside chats, lectures and discussions with professors. Especially interesting, the internship programs: Internships take place abroad and are paid!

Tags: Law, internships, justice, abroad
Kategorie: Anderes
The Mainusch is a self-governing house at the uni-campus Mainz. The motto is DIY. Thus, our independent communication centre is run in the style “Mainusch, Deinusch, Unsernusch” (“Mynusch, Yournusch, Ournusch”). It is our goal to be free of discrimination and a safe-space. Usually we regularly have concerts, talks, Küfa and more, but we as well are fairly restricted due to the Covid pandemic. Visit our open house plenum, every Wednesday at 8 pm and learn what is happening right now and how to get involved. The free space in Staudingerweg 23 was occupied 32 years ago and is currently tolerated until June 2021.

Tags: Mainusch, house, campus, free space
Kategorie: Anderes
We are a group of people who wants to enrich the literature community in Mainz. From October 2020 onwards we are going to meet every fortnight at Hearth (Frauenlobstraße 59) to write together and to create reading-stage evenings. Everybody is welcome: No matter your age, writing-pro or newcomer, with spotlight or drawer ambitions. The main thing is that you are lingophile and interested to exchange with other creative minds and to learn something new.
As “Art & Drama – Mandalama” are stage-oriented formats, the topic of poetry slam will be in the foreground. Within different issue-blocks we are going to work out how to stand on stage and present a text in a way that it unfolds its full beauty and power. How to write a poem? How to write a funny text? What kind of dramaturgy does the stage require? Which stage artists have shaped the scene within the last 30 years and what to learn from them?
But even those who don’t want to be on stage can exchange with link-minded persons, read and write together and get inspired.
Participating doesn’t cost anything. Our project is for all (from 12 to 120 years) and is supposed to enable cultural exchange without financial or bureaucratic obstacles. That’s how we want to enhance the literature community in Mainz and connect people being on fire for the same cause: literature, culture, community.

Kategorie: Kunst
Buckle up, lean back, laugh until you cry! Die Affirmative is one of the largest and most famous impro-theaters in Mainz, Wiesbaden and the region. We present exciting comedy and improvised theatre weekly – not only on campus, but everywhere in and around Mainz. Live, spontaneous and hilarious. You don’t only want to watch? No problem! In our impro-school we also offer courses and workshops, from inexperienced to impro-pro. Being creative spontaneously? You can learn it and have a ball! Now online as well – very comfortable in the privacy of your home.
For further information, check out our website (www.dieaffirmative.de) or Insta/Facebook (Die Affirmative).

Tags: Improtheater, Kultur, Theater, Comedy, Bühne, Sketche, Theaterkurs, Theatergruppe
Kategorie: Kunst
FILMZ – Festival of German Cinema gets current German films on the “Mainzer” screen – this year 04 - 13 November 2021 in cinema & on demand. Join the team and support us in selecting films, writing press releases, win sponsors and much more. You find further information at: www.filmz-mainz.de.

Tags: film festival, cinema in Mainz, films in Mainz, Mainz cinema, German movies, German cinema, cultural event
Kategorie: Kunst
Mobilé is a collective of individuals who have launched a common platform for artistic action; Your art finds its room in exhibitions, the magazine Blattform and the social media channels, be it a poem, prose, something painted or a drawing, experimental or thought experiments in every form of the presentable. A common topic connects our work and your supporting hand is always welcome! You can help us at our meetings to plan the next step; In the editorial office, with organizational matters, the next exhibition place or our website. We offer room for everybody und we are happy to get to know your private art! Have a look at kunstraum-mobile.de

Tags: art collective, art, exhibition, art magazine
Kategorie: Kunst
Hello, do you play an instrument? Then this is the place for you! We are the only orchestra in Mainz that was founded by students and is lead and organized by students up until today. Everybody can play along – no matter if student, pupil, apprentice or employed.
We would like to start to rehearse again in small groups this semester as far as possible.
If you are also having fun to play music together, just send us an email and we keep you posted on rehearsal place and time! We are especially looking for cello, contrabass and bassoon.

Tags: orchestra, music, ensemble, culture, classical music, film music
Kategorie: Kunst
No matter if learning, free time, food, work or housing – Campus Mainz e.V. accompanies you during your studies. Our portal www.campus-mainz.net and our App provides you with interesting reports about the student life in Mainz and up-to-date announcements from campus.
New in Mainz? Then join our Facebook-group „Erstis Uni Mainz Sommersemester 21“. There you regularly get information about events and can meet new people. In addition, you’ll find numerous links leading to our inter- and intradisciplinary WhatsApp groups in which you immediately catch up with others and where your questions are answered!
Here you find all necessary information: c-mz.net/erstiqr

In case you are also interested to organize events with other students, to chat about the latest news from campus or to creatively design websites, then you are invited to get a taste of the different departments of our association. We look forward to meeting you and hopefully see each other on campus soon!

Tags: freshman-help, events, organization, culture-courses, editorial office, journalism, communication, PR, social media, technology, IT, webdesign
Kategorie: Medien
Welcome to Campusradio Mainz – the channel by students for students! You find our livestream, info on our shows and much more on our website campusradio-mainz.de or directly on Instagram @campusradiomainz. We are live nearly every day from our studio on campus – be curious to hear the student-authentic morning show “zu Früh!” (“Too early!”) and topic shows like “Campus Sport”, “Deep. Dope. Deutschrap.” or our cultural magazine “Lampenfieber” (“stage-fright”). You don’t need to simply listen – you can shape actively: We work in four editorial departments: News & Culture, Film, Music and Online create the program collectively – on air as well as on social media. At campusradio-mainz.de/mitmachen you can discover what the editorial teams do the whole day – and, of course, you find all contact information if you want to be a part of it!

Tags: #CampusRadio, #Mainz, #JGU, #Radio, #FromStudentsForStudents, #Journalism, #Music, #News, #Culture, #Film, #SocialMedia, #IndependentCampusjournalism, #Interview, #Live, #Podcast, #Studio, #Recording, #Presentation
Kategorie: Medien
Campusgrün Mainz is a group of left, solidary, ecological, non-violent, progressive and emancipated-thinking students. We strive for a hierarchy-free and democratic collaboration. On campus, we speak up for educational equality, ecological change, free spaces for students and against any form of racism, antisemitism, ableism, nationalism, elitism as well as discrimination on the basis of sexuality or gender. In the committees of the students’ self-administration, above all in the students’ union executive committee (AStA), we could already celebrate large achievements such as the introduction of a returnable cup system, the extension of vegan supply in the canteens, the abolition of compulsory animal testings in programmes of the natural sciences and the recent abolition of compulsory attendance. Besides AStA, we are active in the students’ parliament (StuPa), the senate of university and various boards and executive committees.

Tags: campus politics, climate protection, anticapitalism, green, antiracism, queer, feminism, ecology, solidarity, politics, asta, stupa, senate, antidiscrimination, vegan
Kategorie: Politik
Good study conditions are not a matter of course. We, the Jusos, advocate for more affordable housing, fair and well-paid students’ jobs and a well-equipped uni. We strongly oppose study fees of any kind, intolerance and all forms of exclusion, undemocratic decisions as well as elitist sponsorship. We are happy about your questions, suggestions and your active participation in our organization!
Or via email: jhg.mainz@gmail.com

Tags: Jusos, social, democratic, socialist, politics
Kategorie: Politik
We as liberal campus group stand up so that you can pursue your studies as freely as possible! That’s why we demand longer opening hours of the libraries, recorded and streamed lectures (also in post-Covid times), a free founder-hour in the students’ union executive committee (AStA) and much more! Furthermore, we have the goal to enable the discussion of current societal and campus-political problems within an independent group. In doing so we especially intend to foster the dialogue between people within and outside of university and represent liberal students’ interests.

Tags: #LHG, #Liberals, campus group, #liberal, #freedom
Kategorie: Politik
As LiLi (Left List) / SDS (Socialist-Democratic Students’ Union) we stand for the radical democratization of university: We fight for a university that firstly, opposes the dictate of economy, allowing students to flourish into productively usable human capital. This also means that all students are enabled to pursue self-determined academic studies independent of their social position. Secondly, we plead for a university that is aware of its responsibility in society. That includes that the university education is reshaped in a way that it fosters a critical creation of awareness – as students, future researchers and scientists we should for example question (and be able to question) which political structures have caused the socio-ecological crisis and who is responsible for it. In this sense, we see ourselves as anticolonial, anticapitalist and antifascist, queerfeminist element on campus. Together we constantly try to fight the influence of enterprises on science, create a climate-friendly campus, implement university anti-discrimination work and to deconstruct the eurocentrism in science.
Facebook: Linke Liste Mainz / SDS Mainz
Instagram: @linkeliste_jgu
Mail: linkelistemainz@riseup.net

Kategorie: Politik
As a campus group we stand for pragmatic, progressive, pan-European and transparent campus politics. Pragmatic means that we do not always want to invent the wheel again, but look what works well following the best-practice principle. Progessive means that we do not want to be classified into a specific direction. Pan-European means that our thinking does not end at state borders, but that we want to advocate for more networking between European universities.

Tags: Volt, Europe, politics, progressive
Kategorie: Politik
We, the Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten (RCDS), are a group of pragmatically thinking students. Free from party-political and ideological coercion, we constantly work to improve your studies at the JGU.
Not only just that: For over 70 years now, our campus group at the JGU also stands for friendships, support during studies and best networks across Germany.
You are curious? Then get in touch with us and drop in on one of our group meetings!
Instagram: rcds_mainz
Facebook: RCDS Mainz
Website: rcds-mainz.de

Tags: #rcds, #rcdsmainz, #rcds_mainz, #HowToJGU
Kategorie: Politik
Music, please! From swinging waltzes as light as a feather to the fiery cha-cha-cha: at Uni-Tanz Abteilung Gesellschaftstanz im Allgemeinen Hochschulsport (Uni-Dance, Department of Ballroom Dancing in General University Sports), we rock the dance floor of the old cafeteria and provide a full program of five classical and Latin dances respectively, as well as Discofox. Everyone is welcome, from raw recruits to ambitious recreational athletes, for we teach at three levels of difficulty (beginner, advanced, and high performance). In all of this, we see equal importance in learning new steps and routines with proper technique and having fun while looking great on the dance floor. As soon as we are allowed to begin again, a host of nice people, a great team, and a big community will be here to greet you every Monday night for dance practice. The yearly highlight of Uni-Tanz is our home tournament and its subsequent dance night, which normally take place during Fastnacht; we are currently hoping for a catch-up date in the Summer of 2021. Additionally, there are big European tournaments for students with hundreds of participants, evening parties, and loads of dancing without much sleep (in other words, a terrific time that everyone has got to experience).
Are you curious? You can find further information at www.uni-tanz-mainz.weebly.com – or visit us at Facebook (Uni-Tanz Mainz)! We will let you know as soon as we can continue our dance practice after the Corona break or as soon as there is a date for our home tournament.

Tags: #dancing, #couplesdancing, #welovetodance, #dancingishealthy, #danceclass, #ballroomdance, #latindance, #discofox
Kategorie: Sport
The Naginata is a Japanese “sword-lance” with a length of 2,10 m and has a long tradition as a weapon of Japanese warrior monks and samurai. At the same time, Naginata describes the martial art that originated in the 1950s, unifying traditional and athletic elements. It is trained as contact martial art in armor but also as form (Kata) without armor. You can participate in competitions in both disciplines. Naginata was and also is a popular martial art among women as physical advantages of men like height and weight are secondary due to the reach of the weapon. Naginata is a martial art training body and mind that can be practiced your whole life. Besides regular training, etiquette (Rei) and respectful contact with each other play a huge role in our Dojo. For the start you do not need any further equipment except comfortable sportswear. For more info write us an email.
Due to the current Covid-pandemic we do not have access to the university - gym at the moment. We are currently training independently of campus sport outside the university area, if weather conditions permit. Newcomers are welcome! Just text us in advance via email, so we can adjust training to the current Covid regulations.
Time: Tuesday 5:30 pm, Location by arrangement
Kontakt: naginata@uni-mainz.de

Tags: #Naginata, #Kendo, #Naginta, #martialarts, #teamspirit, #competition, #hakama, #bogu, #UniMainzDojo, #japanesemartialarts
Kategorie: Sport

Wheelchair rugby is a fast team sport with two teams of 4 players each. Every team has the aim to get possession of the ball and to cross the goal line of the opponent. One could say it is a mix of chess and bumper car 😉
Everybody can participate and is welcome!
Our group is variegated and consists of wheelchair users and walkers. Besides the physical activity we are unified by our love for this game and the joy for exercise. However, the fun is always in the foreground!
The weekly training takes place on Fridays 5 pm – 6:30 pm in the gym (Spielhalle). Sport-wheelchairs are available.
Please get in touch with us 2 days in advance via rollrugby.mainz@gmx.de !
For further information on our sports group see https://rollstuhlrugby-mainz.jimdofree.com

Kategorie: Sport
Who we are: We are a campus sport group of the JGU Mainz consisting of equitation-enthused students. No matter leisure rider, ambitious tournament rider or just equitation interested, all are represented in our group. We usually meet every Wednesday at 8 pm for our regulars’ table, but you will always find updated information regarding this matter on our Insta and/or Fb-page. (Studentenreiter Mainz)
What is student riding: You find a student riding group at nearly every German university. What we all have in common: We like horses, partying, new friendships and make contact all around Germany and travel to tournaments. During the fall term tournaments are taking place all over Germany. The hosting riding group invites 9-15 teams from different cities and universities for a comparative competition. Every team sends 3 riders. Usually, participants compete in the two Olympic disciplines dressage and jumping in a K.O. System from class A to class M with horses that are unknown to them that are provided by the host.
Did we peak your interest? Then we are happy when you come around.

Tags: student riders, riding, fun, community, sports
Kategorie: Sport
Underwater rugby is a three-dimensional team sport that is appropriate for water bugs and landlubbers alike who want to try out a more eccentric team sport.
Players swim in a diving pool and aim for the baskets of the opposing team with a salt water ball.
Good team work and technique (as opposed to pure strength) are important, and therefore women are more than welcome as we usually play in mixed teams.
Under normal circumstances, the activities of our sports club are not restricted to the game itself because we love getting together on diverse occasions.
We look forward to meeting anyone who is interested.
Contact: unterwasser-rugby@uni-mainz.de

Tags: team sport, water sport, diving sport
Kategorie: Sport
Amnesty International is a human rights organization that has advocated for the preservation of human rights since 1961 – and can now boast more than 7 million members.
Would you like to become involved with us for human rights?
Normally, we meet every Wednesday at 08:00 PM in our rooms at Kaiserstraße 16, in the center of Mainz.
However, we are currently meeting digitally using the Big Blue Button service. We lay plans for our next campaigns there but also discuss new films, cafés, concerts, politics, and protests – and we always look forward to new faces and new input. So come by and check it out! If you have questions or want login credentials, please send us an e-mail (ichduwir@amnesty-campusmainz.de) or contact us on our Instagram page (@amnesty.mainz).

Tags: human rights, justice, asylum counseling, women’s rights, LGBTQI+
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
One? All of them? None?
Have you made up your mind?
We are the local Mainz branch of the student initiative ‘Aufklärung Organspende’ (Enlightenment for Organ Donorship) and have made it our goal to provide appropriate, independent, and neutral information about organ donorship and brain death.
In addition to organizing presentations and public-oriented campaigns such as information booths, we particularly wish to encourage young people to engage with this topic by visiting their schools. In this regard, we look forward to the support of those who are interested from any and all subjects or fields 🙂
If you would like to work with us or have a broader interest in this topic and our initiatives, please get in touch! Feel free to learn more about our work on Facebook: Aufklärung Organspende Mainz or Instagram: @aufklaerungorganspende_mainz.

Tags: #enlightenmentorgandonorship, #yourorgans, #yourdecision, #getinformed, #organdonorship, #enlightenment, #campusgroup, #unimainz, #localbranchmainz
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
What we do:
The Bildungsnetzwerk Mainz (BiNe), the Educational Network of Mainz, is a union that advocates for socially disadvantaged children and youth. Over 60 of our volunteers are working on five projects for equal opportunities in education. Our offer consists of homework assistance, tutoring, and collective excursions in the Mainz area.
Who we are looking for:
We are looking for volunteers who would support our projects in refugee housing, youth centers, and schools. Everyone can pitch in because no prior experience is required.
Would you like to check out one of our projects?
Wonderful! Just send an e-mail to:
You can find more information at www.bine-mainz.de

Tags: tutoring, homework supervision, refugee work, children, schools, education
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
We are a group of students and non-students who volunteer as mentors for pupils. We support children and youth as they face challenges at school and in their daily routines, for whom tutoring would not be possible for financial or other reasons. Besides weekly tutoring, we create opportunities in every semester for social encounters and an exchange of experiences by offering a collective undertaking with a core group of mentors.
We are convinced that our backgrounds should not determine our futures. Would you like to contribute to better educational opportunities? Then become a mentor at CHANCENGLEICHHEIT Mainz e.V. You can reach us at www.studienstiftung-mainz.de/chancengleichheit or via e-mail at chancengleichheit@studienstiftung-mainz.de

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
As the DGB Jugend, the youth of the German Trade Unions, we stick up for good studying conditions, fair working conditions, and a just society. We provide you with information all about financing your studies. We advise you on questions about labor and social rights. We accompany you from your studies to your career.
Are you studying and working at the same time? Are you doing an internship? Are you asking yourself how the future of your career could look? Do you want to codetermine the way that you study and work? Are you looking for people with whom you can collaborate for a just society?
For all of these needs, the DGB Hochschulgruppe Mainz is available to you. From the beginning of your studies, to university politics, and the start of your career: solidarity is always possible. The DGB Hochschulgruppe Mainz is currently meeting 1-2 times a month. So feel free to come by, even if you have never made contact with a union!
Come join our Telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/UOSbNNCLHJ7xlL4A
You can find our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/sawmainz

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
“Small Exertion – Great Impact”: under this motto, we are committed to the health of children in Burkina Faso. DEVELOPmed.aid is a non-profit relief agency that has made it our business to make basic medical provisions available to children in the poorest countries of West Africa. We acquire donations through bake sales on campus and cocktail booths at SÖF. Last year, we also represented our cause from a mulled wine stand at the Christmas market, and in the Fall we participated at a Mädchenflohmarkt, a flea market for vintage products, at the Alten Postlager. Of course, we have had to adjust to Corona and we have thus arrived at the idea of increasing our sale of secondhand clothes at Kleiderkreisel.de. In this spirit, we are open to new ideas!
The DEVELOPmed.aid society covers fixed costs through constant donations so that 100% of the money we collect as a campus group goes to Burkina Faso. On site in Burkina, we work in cooperation with AMPO e.V., who use the donations to purchase medical supplies and to pay for the children’s treatments. You can learn more at developmedaid.de
We would be enthusiastic about your interest and you can always reach us via e-mail at hochschulgruppe@developmedaid.org or through any of our other channels: Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Tags: Africa, support, medicine, physicians, social advocacy, Burkina Faso
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Hello dear freshmen, our cool, digital Erstitüte, a grab bag just for you, is here again! Here, you can find lots of important information all about university and student life in Mainz. It is near and dear to our hearts at Enactus Mainz that you have a nice and stress-free initiation into your new studies. If you are interested in participating in cool projects in addition to your studies or even to develop your own that are social, entrepreneurial, and environmentally friendly and make a difference in the world, then come our way! Moreover, we will introduce you to loads of cool people from the most diverse programs and backgrounds!
You can get more info about our team and our projects at our website: enactus.de/mainz or on our social media profiles. If we have aroused your interest, just shoot us a short message so we can answer your potential questions and welcome you to our team. We are looking forward to you!

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Greenpeace as an international environment organization stands for peaceful action to protect the foundations of our life. We are one of over 100 regional groups in Germany, and volunteer in Mainz and Wiesbaden. We focus on the climate change, energy transition, and the protection of animals, oceans, and forests.
Aside from region-transcending topics we work towards protecting the environment in Mainz and Wiesbaden, for example by supporting a better biking infrastructure, protecting the “Mainzer Sand”, and the Lennebergwald. Our campaigns are diverse and span, among others, info booths, signing campaigns, demonstrations, workshops, and street plays.
We always look forward to your support! If you want to become active for our environment or want to know more about Greenpeace, visit us! We meet every Tuesday at 7:00pm, currently online via zoom.
For more information and the latest news, feel free to visit our homepage www.mainz-wiesbaden.greenpeace.de or find us on Instagram or Facebook: Greenpeace Mainz-Wiesbaden.

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Certainly you’ve heard of the Paris climate agreement before. The protection of our climate is important to us all. But, what does the climate crisis have to do with you and your health?
Even in Germany, an increase in heat waves, drought periods, and floods was observable in recent years. This is noticeable by everyone in Mainz! The cardiovascular system is strained by heat exhaustion, heart attacks and strokes are becoming more common. Pollen and air pollution irritate the respiratory tract, asthma becomes more common, and infectious diseases spread more easily.
Health for Future is a national network of people connected to the health sector, and therefore represents a big part of the society, spanning all ages and social milieus. All these people are united by a conscience for the dangers of the climate crisis, and the opportunity for all our health held by effective climate protection. Healthy people can only live on a healthy planet.
We organize information booths, demonstrations, and lectures, talk to politicians to get our topics into political instances, and change teachings at the JGU and the university’s clinic.
You’re interested in standing up for our health and getting to know new people? We’re looking for visionaries, doers, those who build bridges to better futures, and who enjoy teamwork – we’re looking for you! Join the team!
E-mail: mainz-wiesbaden@healthforfuture.de
Instagram: healthforfuture_mainzwiesbaden
Homepage: https://healthforfuture.de/

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Kreidestaub Mainz was founded in 2016 and is a part of the Germany-wide Kreidestaub initiative, which has existed since 2013 and now has approximately 20 interconnected locations. The goal of Kreidestaub Mainz is that every child and young person should be able to attend a good school in which he or she is individually supported to reduce social inequality and structural violence. In order to pursue this goal, we have begun with teachers in training who are studying at university. As such, we represent an organization attempting to compensate for the perceived gaps of institutional education with opportunities of further learning. In practice, this means that we invite external instructors for presentations, workshops, and discussions with students. In this light, we are motivated students and those interested in education who deal with the educational system, providing teaching and learning arrangements, pedagogical concepts, and healthy and sustainable personal development.
Our events are open to everyone who is interested. If you are a student of education, a teacher, or anyone interested in education who wants to check out our campus group, go for it!
For further information, visit https://kreidestaub.uni-mainz.de/ or send us a message at unimainz@kreidestaub.net.

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Our campus group, Kurdish Students, is a democratic, ecologic, and feminist campus group. We stand against any kind of racism, sexism, and all other forms of oppression. Our goal is to connect the students attending the JGU to Kurdish culture and traditions, but also to shed a light on current goings-on and the situation of Kurds in their homeland. We plan events like language and dancing courses, discussions, lectures, concerts, and many others.

Tags: "Dialog", "Freundschaft", "Engagement", "Religion", "Islam"
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Get involved with Masifunde – whether digitally or in real life. As a part of the Germany-wide association Masifunde Bildungsförderung (Masifunde Educational Assistance), we apply ourselves for education in South Africa. We arrange presentations, advertise our work at information booths, and deliver innovative and sustainable concepts of developmental cooperation in schools. Many interesting projects are still possible even while working digitally – whether planning online seminars, or conceiving of our podcasts Global Gedacht! (Thinking Global!), or our further educational content. Are you interested in volunteering with our team? Then reach out at mainz@masifunde.de. In a (virtual) meeting, you can find the task for you! Further information can be found at www.masifunde.de.

Tags: #globallearning, #masifunde, #educationalassistance, #southafrica, #letuslearn, #developmentalcooperation, #learn4life, #thinkingglobal
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Hello dear fellow students,
We are inviting you to learn something about injustices in the public health sector and to share what we, and you, can do against them. It is hard to believe, but there is an ever larger number of people without health insurance. This can be caused by the most diverse circumstances. Most are related to migration or displacement. What does it mean not to have any health insurance? It’s very simple: poor chances of equal medical treatment compared to those who are insured. In many such cases, people do not even seek medical help – or by the time that they do, it is already too late.
They fear great expenses that they would be unable to pay off or they are afraid of being discovered by the immigration authority and getting deported. We find this to be unjust! For medical treatment is a human right! We offer consultation hours to these people and connect them with cooperative doctors. Beyond this, we advocate for solutions at the political level that will work against such injustices in the long run. If you are interested in this topic, then visit us at our website or at our open plenary. No previous knowledge or experience whatsoever are required. We look forward to meeting you!
www.medinetzmainz.de info@medinetzmainz.de
We also present our work here: https://youtu.be/lSfeDOK7R9M

Tags: Politics, medicine, health care, human rights, social advocacy, political work, solidarity, networking, migration, displacement, refugees
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
…is a project for enlightenment and prevention founded by students. In many university cities, we supplement classical sexual education as proponents of sexual enlightenment with the motto ‘Enlightenment at eye-level’. It is our heartfelt wish to provide peer-education – and our methods are indebted to the progress of sexual pedagogy and proven interactive methods for explaining this topic to students in grades 6-10. We provide students with a special framework in which they can discuss such important topics as “Love, Sexuality, & Tolerance” without any external pressures; these are coming-of-age questions that we wish to clarify and rid of (dangerous) half-truths. In all of this, we are not just teachers but learners ourselves. Outside of the classroom, for example, we collect donations on World AIDS Day to provide local support for AIDS, we support the IDAHOT with creative projects, and we participate in the Mainzer Schulfilmtage, the School Film Festival of Mainz.
New ideas are always welcome as well as students of every field!
We are Mit Sicherheit Verliebt, In Love with Safety, would you like to be as well?
Then stop by, whether digitally or analogue!
info.msv.mainz@gmail.com --- www.facebook.com/msv.mainz --- instagram: msv_mainz
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
The Muslimische Hochschulgruppe of Mainz (MHG), the Muslim Campus Group, is a coalition of students from diverse fields of study that advocate for interdenominational and intercultural dialogue on campus. Beyond personal exchange, we invite you to take part in a scientific dialogue and contribute to public presentations on topics all about Islam. It is of particular interest for us to dismantle barriers and prejudices.
We arrange our years of study around group recreation or, currently, virtual game nights and conversations, and we share enjoyable communal experiences. We advocate for the interests of Muslim students at university and provide everyone who is interested or simply curious with the opportunity to connect with us. Everyone is welcome in our diverse group.

Tags: dialogue, friendship, advocacy, religion, Islam
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
In the NAJU campus group, students can get to know the activities of NAJU Rheinland-Pfalz, the youth for nature conservation of Rhineland-Palatinate. Here, students can become engaged with nature conservation themselves and can network with other students who are passionate about environmental education.
Youth Camps:
An essential part of the NAJU is our environmental educational camps for children and young people. Students can volunteer at these camps as team members and help with the care of children and young people in attendance. In order to qualify as a team leader, one must acquire the JULEICA (a youth leader card) by attending training seminars on the topics of "environmental education" and "ecology and sustainability". The NAJU supports students on their paths to acquiring JULEICA.
Networking & Action:
Through NAJU, students can network extensively with like-minded individuals on nature and environmental protection: this can be done at the university of Mainz, throughout Rhineland-Palatinate, and even with other universities throughout Germany with the federal NAJU association.
Clothes-swapping parties, bike tours, demonstrations, game nights, and social care activities in the NABU parks of Mainz are just a few examples of the activities by and for young adults at NAJU.
Management Work:
As a member of the NAJU Campus Group, you will have the opportunity to be voted onto the managing board of NAJU Rheinland-Pfalz. There, the concerns of NAJU Rheinland-Pfalz are represented at the state level and larger projects are developed.
Homepage: https://naju-rlp1.jimdofree.com

Tags: politics, medicine, health care, human rights, social advocacy, political work, solidarity, networking, migration, displacement, refugees
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Dear freshmen,
Are you interested in volunteering? Would you like to aid refugees in Mainz or do you want to become active in organizing our association?
Here’s a quick overview of the RLC Mainz:
Who are we?
We are students of various semesters who have joined forces to form a non-profit organization that provides free legal advice regarding asylum, immigration, and civil law.
The Training and Advisory Practice
Our training is aimed at students from all departments and can take place from the first semester on. Training is always undertaken in the Winter semester. Our training consists of a lecture, several seminars and a final exam. Beyond this, we offer regular opportunities for further education. Each team consists of two trained advisors (usually one experienced advisor and one who is newly trained), and advice is provided under legal supervision.
Besides our normal consultation appointments, there is an open consultation twice a month in the Caritas-Zentrum Delbrêl.
How is the RLC structured?
Our association is divided into different departments (public relations, networking/finances, events/benefits, training/advice). The respective department leaders are also represented on the board of the association, which further includes the treasurer, the owner, and the association chairman. It is also possible to become active in one of these departments beginning in the first semester.
What can you expect besides the regular volunteer work?
We regularly organize events with our club members. This includes Funzelfahrten (wine tours, often through vineyards), a Summer festival, a joint visit to the Christmas market, and, traditionally, a pub crawl at the beginning of the semester. Due to the Corona pandemic, the traditional pub crawl has unfortunately been cancelled, but we are going to upload a video to Panopto and our Instagram page so you can get to know us better.
You can find further information here:
Homepage: https://www.rlc.uni-mainz.de
E-Mail: info@rlc.uni-mainz.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rlcmainz/
Instagram: @rlcmainz

Tags: #refugeework, #commitment, #refugees, #organization, #integration, #legaladvice
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Those of us at ROCK YOUR LIFE! (RYL!) Mainz e.V. apply ourselves with heart and soul so that every young person has the chance to discover their own potential, to develop it, and to apply it in our society. To do this, we bring students and career starters together with educationally disadvantaged schoolchildren with or without an immigration history for a year-long, one on one mentoring program. During this shared year, the mentors relieve the schoolchildren from their environment in order to support and motivate them. Every mentor relationship is unique and depends on the objectives of both participants. Often topics such as school, internship, career choice, applications, and support in German language learning are discussed and implemented. The mentoring relationship is supported by three weekend training courses and a broad program organized for mentees and mentors, such as guided tours of Mainz companies. It is possible to extend the mentoring relationship after a year.
ROCK YOUR LIFE! Mainz e.V. is a part of the Germany-wide RYL! network that former students founded in Friedrichshafen in 2008. Today, RYL! Exists in 52 cities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
ROCK YOUR LIFE! Mainz e.V. begins every year with a cohort of roughly 10-15 mentoring couples. RYL! Is still looking for further mentees for the next season of mentoring beginning in October 2021.
For more information you can visit us online at www.mainz.rockyourlife.de or contact us at any time: mainz@rockyourlife.de

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
We are SCHLAU Mainz, and we’re happy you’re interested in learning about us!
We organize voluntary educational and anti-discrimination events regarding sexual orientation and diversity. We offer this to schools and other institutions in and around Mainz. Our team connects students of all kinds, united in our goal to support queer education and prevent queerphobia.
You want to help? Feel free to visit us! We meet every first Thursday of the month in the bar “Jeder Sicht”, though currently all our meetings take place online. Just contact us per mail: mainz@schlau-rlp.de
Website: https://mainz.schlau-rlp.de/
Instagram: schlaumainz

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
About us:
We are pupils, trainees and students, and young workers who organize through the SDJA, the ‘Sozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterjugend’ or Socialist German Working Youth. Our goal? A world without exploitation, poverty, and war. A world in which we need no longer worry about where to find money for tutoring, whether we shall find an apprenticeship, or how we will make the rent. A world in which life matters and not the profits of the rich.
Why “socialist”? Because we believe that capitalism – that is, the society in which we live – must be overcome to achieve these goals. The break with capitalism is followed by a socialist society whose core values reflect the interests of the people who live in it.
Why “German”? Ancestry and passports do not play a role with us. What unites us is the conviction that we must first confront capitalism in the country in which we live: in Germany. This does not mean that we forget our solidarity with progressive struggles across the world. We are thus organized, for example, together with progressive youth associations from over 100 countries in the World Federation of Democratic Youth.
Why “working youth”? Because we believe that those who work in society should have the say and not those that live by exploiting others. However, we do not only include those who are working today in our working youth, but all those who are going to work in the future as well. Therefore also schoolchildren, trainees, or students.
We say: if you want to change something, you have to do something about it. If you only act alone or only take part in occasional actions, you will not achieve much against the richest and most powerful in the long run – this is clear! Therefore, it is important that we organize to act together and in solidarity. We have joined together in the SDAJ across the whole of Germany because we cannot meet our goals alone, but only together: with a clear anti-capitalist and revolutionary organization.
Mail: mainz@sdaj.org
Website: www.sdaj.org/lv-rheinlandpfalz/
Instagram: sdajmainz Facebook: @sdaj.rheinlandpfalz
Meeting: every Tuesday, 06:00 PM,
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Neckarstraße 27 (Due to the Corona pandemic, our meetings will take place digitally until further notice. Write us an e-mail for further information.)

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
We are Students for Future Mainz and we see ourselves as a part of the Fridays for Future movement. Together with Scientists for Future, we want to support the schoolchildren’s movement and initiate change in the universities.
We were founded in August 2019 and meet every other Thursday. If you also want to become active for climate protection, you have come to the right place. We are open to students from all departments and look forward to every form of support! Just take a look!
Instagram: studentsforfuture_mainz
Facebook: facebook.de/studentsforfuturemainz
Homepage: studentsforfuturemainz.com

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
We are the UNICEF campus group, and it is our goal to improve the living conditions of children around the world. We are active offline and online to provide information and encourage reflection and rethinking with information stands, campaign days, bottle collecting campaigns, school visitations, and yet other creative campaigns. Curious? Then visit us on Facebook and Instagram for more information! We are looking forward to you!
Instagram: @unicef_mainz
Facebook: Ehrenamtliche UNICEF-Gruppe Mainz (UNICEF Mainz Volunteer Group)
And our e-mail address: info@hochschulgruppe-mainz.unicef.de

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
Water is a human right!
We at Viva con Agua are committed to ensuring that all people worldwide have sustainable access to clean drinking water and humane hygiene and sanitation. To this end, we combine commitment with fun and like to stay on the go, attending a wide variety of cultural events in Mainz and the surrounding area. We collect contributions for the so-called WASH-Projects of Viva con Agua and our project partners there. Beyond this, we organize our own events such as house concerts and charity runs and explain the importance of a proper water supply at educational events.
You can find further information about our projects here: www.vivaconagua.org.
We meet up at the beginning of the month to plan our upcoming events. If you want to know more about us or to participate, you can attend one of our meetings, pop by our social media channel on Instagram (@vivaconaguamainz) and Facebook (Viva con Agua Mainz), or send us an e-mail at mainz@vivaconagua.org.
We are looking forward to you!

Tags: human rights, culture, education, developmental cooperation, All-Profit.
Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement
We are WISSENSHUNGER – hungry for knowledge! A student public health project of the bvmd e.V. (the federal representation of medical students in Germany). We were founded here in Mainz in May 2019, but there are already local groups across Germany with which we cooperate closely. Our group consists of both medical students and teachers in training, and we look forward to everyone who wants to support us.
With our work, we want to counteract the increasing consequences of unhealthy diets such as obesity, diabetes, or heart attacks. To this end, we are on the move visiting schools and organizing small project days with students. It is especially important to us that we do not declare taboos with a wagging finger, but instead spread knowledge, fun, and a more conscious approach to this topic.
We also organize exciting presentations, info events, and plan other projects at the university for those who are interested from other departments.
Just shoot us a message!
Facebook: Wissenshunger Mainz
Instagram: wissenshunger_mainz
E-Mail: wissenshungermainz@gmail.com

Kategorie: soziales und ökologisches Engagement